The top of the programming language rankings is Java since it was designed. This has led many designers into learning the Java language. What about the current state and future trends of Java? The following is a summary for your reference.
Java is a new generation of object-oriented programming language. It is launched by Sun corporation. And it is especially suitable for the development of computer applications. Java Programming has become a habit of many people. Java has established itself as a revolutionary technology.
Let’s look back to the past 20 years of Java. The first is the rise and fall of the microcomputer age. Then enters into the server space and the smart phone space. Later, Java lumbered on under the DHS's definition of "unsafe." Finally, embrace Oracle.
I. The Java language has a clear framework structure now
Sun has announced the latest framework architecture standards for Java. The Java language is centered on Java2 and consists of three parts:
(1) Enterprise EDITION J2EE. This version is a computer network platform based on application programs. It also was developed in various enterprise environments. There are three levels: EJB, JSP, and SERVSLT.
(2) Standard VERSION J2SE. Among them, the core of Java programming is for graphical user interface programming. And the toolkit programming, database programming, etc.
(3) Mini-VERSION J2ME. This version has been focused on network application platforms. Especially for the consumer products and various embedded device. Mainly involved mobile phones, and a variety of wireless games in them, etc. Its core technology is mobile information device applet.
II. Promoted the development of the PC era
The birth and popularization of computers has promoted the development of IT industry. But computers are no longer the only way to access the INTERNET. Various electronic products become a new force to enter the IT field. Then they help to promote the great development of the PC era. The Java language fully meets the requirements of the PC. And it can be run directly in all kinds of electronic products. Java in the network can be identified by any device. So they could full use of network resources and other aspects. And make breakthroughs in innovation. Java has created powerful conditions for the development of the PC era.
Future trend 1: The release of Java 9, resulting in better reuse. Java 9 will be the first major release since it was acquired by Oracle. The primary goal is to maximize modularity. So it can help people achieve modular application writing.
Future Trend 2: Java's support better for the Internet of Things. To enter the Internet of Things, Java has upgraded its CLDC and Netbean. Upgrade directly from J2ME to JavaME8. More recently, it has introduced a very clever Internet of Things module. This module can run the Java language: Cinterion EHS5.
Future Trend 3: The Spring framework is being upgraded to Spring 4 in many applications. The Spring framework can coexist with many other frameworks and third-party libraries. Also, it can integrate them into. When Spring 4 is used, its corresponding dependencies are updated as well. Then you can use the latest library.
Future Trend 4: Java micro frameworks are gaining in popularity. Three popular Java micro frameworks are Ninja, Spark, and Jodd.
Future Trend 5: Java promotes development of the big data. Without Java, there wouldn't evolution of the big data. Hadoop itself is written in Java.
Future Trend 6: Java embedded systems will enter the golden age. It has been about five to seven years after Java entered embedded systems territory. Nowadays, Java products for hard real-time and deep embedded systems become more booming. Java for embedded systems is likely to welcome its golden age.