What an eventful week. At Softonic this week we’ve been trying to keep up with all the cool stuff that has been going on, whilst also trying to sort out some free stuff for our users (including a blast from the past that’ll really take you back).
Unfortuantely, we’ve also had to put together some security guides for you as more malware threats have emerged across the globe. As well as modern malware threats we’ve also looked at live location sharing ; the impact it is likely to have on our lives and how to stay in control of people knowing where you are.
Free Stuff
How to Download Windows XP for Free
Can you play Destiny 2 for Free?
All the Best Free Software for your PC

Cool Stuff
Google Backup and Sync is Ready to Roll
Learn how to Talk to Dragons with Duolingo
This Wallet won’t let you Lose It
Microsoft wants to help Blind People see with their AIs
You can now get a Free Robot Lawyer to Protect your Rights

Security and Privacy Stuff
This new Malware will Broadcast all of your Private Data (photos, emails facebook chats etc.) if you don’t Pay Up
How to Protect your Android Phone from a Ransomware Attack
This is how and when to Share your Location Safely
Facebook knows where you are Right Now. This is how to Change That.